Sports Nutrition

to Fuel College Bound Athletes

We exist to help youth athletes use what they put IN their bodies to put OUT their BEST in all that they do.


Performance Nutrition for LIFE

Our Vision is for a REVOLUTION among youth to take their NUTRITION seriously, so that they can be the BEST at what they love to do, now and for LIFE.

-------- Free Resources --------

What Can We Help You With?

Why Nutrition Matters to Sport

Every athlete is different. Some need help building muscle, while others need help with muscle & injury recovery. Check out this guide for just a few of the reasons why what you put IN impacts what you put OUT.

Sample Meal Plan for Athletes

Not sure what to eat to help your performance? Want some ideas for what to eat for meals around training, game day and recovery? This guide is for YOU.

Pre-Game Fueling

Don't know what to eat pre-game or pre-workout? Not sure how to adapt what you eat based on time of day of your workout or game? We got you covered.

-------- OUR SERVICES --------

What We Offer

Nutrition Coaching for College Bound Athletes

Regardless of where you are now, if you have a D1-Driven Mindset, your possibilities are endless. We customize our program to your needs, so that you can separate yourself from the pack. If you want to be strong, fast, & energized for sport & life: Book a Free Discovery Call today!

Nutrition for the Whole Family

What we teach not only helps Athletes climb to new heights, but will help the rest of the family to become Champions in their lives. Want the whole family to be happier, healthier, & more energized? Book a complimentary call to see if we're a good fit!

Client Wins


-------- Meet Nick --------

I help athletes strive to unlock their full potential to thrive on & off the field through Performance Nutrition.

As a Sports Dietitian Nutritionist, I'm here to teach you what it's taken me years of study, research and personal experience to discover to help you perform at your BEST, both on & off the field.


What They Say About Us

Check out this video to hear what Drew & Cara had to say about our program. Drew has a ton of potential in baseball, but food was one of his biggest areas holding him back. Now, he's on a path to bigger & better things...

His mom, Cara is doing everything she can to get him what he needs to play the game he loves for as long as he can.

Drew & Cara Wicklander

Call/Text (253) 470-2423


© Lemke Legacy LLC 2024. All rights reserved